Check out these books for Week 2 of the FFA summer reading program!
Interested in science? Check out this CSI camp opportunity at MPCC.
The Summer Reading Program packets are ready for pick . up! If you registered for a packet for this weeks lessons prepared by the Wallace FFA they are ready for you to pick up at the Faith Memorial Library. Those that chose to have the packets mailed, they are on their way.
It's time to recognize our FFA members for their FFA Degree accomplishments. Take a look at the first of several FFA Banquet recognition videos! Here's the first one. FFA Banquet 2019-2020 Episode 1 Opening Ceremonies and Degree Awards
Class of 2020 donated 254,521 pennies to the Bridge of Hope. This is the culmination of the project the started to honor the children who lost their lives in the holocaust. #WHSClassof2020. #RemeberHanna #NeverForget
Summer weights begins tomorrow morning (6/1)! HS boys @ 7, HS girls @ 8, and JH @ 9. Remember, a parent/guardian needs to sign the permission slip and have it turned in to Mr. Miller before you are allowed in the school to workout. Go Cats!!!
Celebrating our seniors. #WHSClassof2020 #WildcatPride
Celebrating our seniors. #WHSClassof2020 #WildcatPride
Celebrating our seniors. #WHSClassof2020 #WildcatPride
Celebrating our seniors #WHSClassof2020. #WildcatPride
There’s still time to register for the FFA Summer Reading Program! Use the link to sign up by the end of the week!
New permission forms for the weight room have been emailed to students now that new regulations have been released. Students will need to return this form signed before they are allowed to workout in the school.
Summer weights is allowed to begin June 1! All JH and HS students were emailed information and a permission slip. Permission slips must be signed before they are allowed to workout at school. Check emails, and contact Mr. Miller with any questions.
The Wallace Elementary teachers met with ESU 16 to continue working on new Standards Based Report Cards (SBR). Standards Based Report Cards will provide specific feedback to parents and students towards progress on the grade level Nebraska State Standards. Look for more information in the newsletter this summer and for the new report cards to be implemented next year.
1st grade Zoom
Student check-out procedures along with student material lists have been mailed out to all families. Student check-out is May 14. We are requesting that all materials be returned at that time unless prior arrangements have been made.
Here is the link to this years Honor's Night presentation!
This evening's Honor's Night will be streamed on YouTube. The link to the video will be shared on our Facebook, Twitter, and school web site live feed at 7:00. Go Cats!
We are currently working on uploading the Honor’s Night presentation. We hope to have it uploaded, and have a link available at 7:00 this evening. More information will be given later today.
Thanks to everyone who helped support the seniors at the “Be the Light” campaign!