Good job to the Volleyball team on last night's sub-districts! Way to finish out the season with a 10-9 record! Unfortunately, the season has come to an end after losing to Maywood-Hayes Center Wolves.
Fourth grade learning about the difference between thin and thick lava and which makes cone and shield volcanoes.
Congrats to the Volleyball team on beating Hitchcock Co. 3-0! Wallace will next play Maywood-Hayes Center tonight at 7:00 pm. Go Cats!
Sub-district volleyball tonight in Hayes Center!! The Cats play Hitchcock County at 4:00, and play again at 6:00 if they win. Go Big Blue! Reminder that masks are REQUIRED and congregating after the game will not be allowed.
Monday, October 26: Wallace Public Schools will have a 10:00 a.m. late start. No 3 year old preschool. Buses will run accordingly.
A reminder that state football playoff shirt orders are due at midnight tonight!
Wallace FB has qualified for the state 6-man playoffs. Will play in Potter on Friday (10/30) at 6:00 CT. Playoff apparel is due tomorrow (10/25) by midnight and can be ordered at: https://wallaceplayoffs2020.item Go Cats!
Red Ribbon Week (October 26-29) Dress Up Days:
Monday - Wear pajamas
Tuesday- Wear red, white, and blue
Wednesday- Wear bright colors
Thursday- Dress as Future Career
Reminder: Wallace Public Schools will resume in-person learning on October 26th. Face coverings upon return are mandatory. Remote learning options are available. If interested, please communicate those intentions ahead of time with your teacher.
COVID information for VB subs:
-Masks are required at all times.
-Athletes should not go into the crowd following game.
-Spectators should not congregate following the game.
-When your team is done playing for the night, you are asked to leave the facility.
Volleyball sub-district brackets have been released! The D2-9 is being played in Hayes Center. First round is Monday at 4:00 against Hitchcock County.
Check out these accomplishments from our 2020 CDE's. What great motivation for our upcoming CDE season!
Wallace Public Schools will be closed from 10/13 - 10/23. During that time students will utilize Zoom for instruction.
Additional details and information can be found at the following link:
Congratulations to the Cross Country team for bringing home the gold at the RPAC meet on Thursday!
RPAC CC today is at the Cambridge Golf Course. The meet starts at 4:00. Spectators are asked to mask up when social distancing can’t be maintained.
JH VB & FB today in Curtis. VB will begin at 2:00, with FB at 3:30. Go Cats!!
High school CC & VB Parents Night will be before the FINAL game of tonight’s triangular. The first game of the triangular starts at 5:00 CT.
One-Act Parents and Supporters- Order your 2020 Superheros shirt in preparation for the big show! Orders are due October 19.
After a win vs South Platte, the JV tournament in Grant has been cancelled due to a possible exposure.