Wallace hosts Southwest today at 4:00ct. The Wildcats face the Roughriders beginning with 2 quarters of JV girls followed by 2 quarters of JV boys; Varsity girls then Varsity boys. Senior basketball players will be honored before each varsity matchup. Follow online- striv.tv/channel/wallace. #GoCats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
vs Southwest
Thank you, Mrs. McConnell, for all you do for our school! #NSCW24
12 months ago, Wallace Wildcat
National School Counseling Week
Wildcats had a great day at the Sutherland Speech meet! Wallace came home as Runner-Up! Results: Ryleigh and Ashley- champion duet; Kendall- 2nd Extemp; Mallory- 3rd informative; Kendall, Ryleigh, Mallory, Max & Colt- champion OID; Ryder- 5th Poetry; Joey- 4th poetry; Brylie- 2nd persuasive.
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
speech runner up
Wallace will host a boys round robin tournament today beginning at 9:00ct. Wallace plays in the first and third game. #GoCats
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
JH boys tournament
Wallace travels to Maxwell today. Games begin at 4:00ct beginning with 3 quarters of JV girls followed by 3 quarters of JV boys; Varsity girls then Varsity boys. Follow online- https://www.youtube.com/@maxwellpublicschools1651/streams. #GoCats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
Basketball @ Maxwell
UPDATE: Basketball tonight (2/2) in Maxwell will begin with JV at 4:00, due to them utilizing one gym. (Was originally scheduled for 5:00).
12 months ago, Mr. Miller
The incorrect download for the speech season schedule was submitted to the office for the newsletter. Please reference the correct schedule with this post.
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
2024 Speech Schedule
8th grade are learning how to iron!
12 months ago, Mrs. McClintock
8th grade learning how to iron
8th grade learning how to iron
2nd graders designed a glue in Science that was used to create these picture frames.
12 months ago, Mrs. Flaming
The February newsletter is now available. https://5il.co/2e13w
12 months ago, Wallace Wildcat
February newsletter
The JH boys will host a round robin basketball tournament this Saturday, February 3, beginning at 9:00 am in Wallace. (Girls teams were not able to attend due to numbers). Order of play- Wallace vs McCook St. Pats, McCook St. Pats vs Wauneta-Palisade, Wallace vs Wauneta-Palisade.
12 months ago, Mr. Miller
Twenty-six members of the Wallace FFA chapter will compete in CDEs (Career Development Events) in North Platte today. Good Luck Wildcats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
Wallace hosts Brady today at 4:00ct. The Wildcats face the Eagles beginning with 2 quarters of JV girls followed by 2 quarters of JV boys; Varsity girls then Varsity boys. Follow online- striv.tv/channel/wallace. #GoCats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
1/20 vs Brady
UPDATE: The JH BB tournament this Saturday (2/3) originally scheduled to be in Wauneta-Palisade, will now be in Wallace due to facility conflicts. Also, due to lack of girls teams available, it will be a boys only, 3 game round robin.
12 months ago, Mr. Miller
Last Wednesday Wallace participated in the RPAC art show. Wallace was well represented! Congratulations to Brenley Johnson for being the medal winner, and also winning1st Honorable Mention, 2nd Honorable Mention, and 3rd Honorable Mention for Wallace.
12 months ago, Melissa Nelms
Medal Winner for Wallace, "Paris" watercolor
1st Honorable Mention, "Marilyn" acrylic painting
2nd Honorable Mention, "King Bird" acrylic painting
3rd Honorable Mention, "Flag" acrylic painting
The concert is about to begin for the UNK Honor Band/Choir Clinic! Jesus Gomez and Booker Lehman have spent the day practicing. Good luck to you both! https://www.unk.edu/academics/music/performing-art-live-stream-events.php
12 months ago, Ms. Jameson
Jesus and Booker ready for the concert
Wildcat JH basketball teams travel to Big Springs today to face the South Platte Knights. Girls games begin at 2:00CT; Boys will follow. #GoCats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
JH @ South Platte
Congratulations to Wallace music students selected to perform in the UNK Honor Clinic today: Jesus- Honor Band; Ryleigh Hanson- Festival Choir and Booker Lehman- Honor Choir. Live performance- UNK Health and Sports Center at 5:30pm CT Livestream: https://www.unk.edu/academics/music/performing-art-live-stream-events.php
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
Wildcat Speech competed in their first meet at the Perkins County Invitational today. Congratulations to Mallory McConnell for placing 7th in informative speaking. Next competition is February 3 in Sutherland.
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
Mallory 7th at PC Speech
RPAC West Boys Basketball tournament continues today at Hitchcock County Schools in Trenton. Wallace Wildcats face Maxwell in the first game at 4:30ct. Livestream- https://webca.st/243670. #GoCats!
12 months ago, Mrs. Garrison
1/26 RPAC vs Maxwell
RPAC Boys Bracket